from 10:00 to 22:00 seven days a week

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Zagalni provisions

1.1. Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Policy”), LLC Media Hub, IDRPOU code: 41544263 , addresses: 01001, Ukraine, m. Kiev, vul. Khreshchatyk, bld. 27A, office 28 means the latest steps, goals, order and entry to ensure the safety and security of personal data of the representatives of the website

1.2. The policy is divided into compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”. The terms that are used in the Policy are consistent with their meanings in the law and with the provisions in the section “Terms and meanings”. TOV Media Hub guarantees the utmost confidentiality before the removal of personal data from the Site.

1.3. We express our respect to you that this Policy is partitioned from the regulation of the remaining changes in the law that regulate the protection of personal data, and in accordance with the regulation of the Zagalny regulation on the protection of data (EU Regulation No. 2016/679 rev. 27.0 4.2016 or GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation) .

2. Terms and meanings

2.1. Personal data - information and the totality of information about an individual who is identified or can be specifically identified by the data given by her.

2.2. The site is an information resource on the Internet at the address

2.3. Submitting to the Site is a subject of personal data, a person who has access to the Site, through additional Internet and wiki materials and information to the Site, and may subsequently be the Buyer in accordance with the Public Offer Agreement.

2.4. Administration of the Site (hereinafter referred to as Administration) - administrators who control and maintain the resources of the Site. And you yourself: represent the interests of the company Media Hub and organize the process of processing personal data as provided by the Provider, as well as identify the purposes of such processing, the warehouse and type of data that require processing hereinafter the Seller is subject to the Public Offer Agreement.

2.5. IP addresses are a unique node address in a computer network, based on the IP protocol.

3. Methods for processing personal data

3.1. The administration processes the personal data of visitors to the Site in the following ways: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, saving, clarification (updating, changing), retrieving, vikoristana, transfer (data), deletion, reduction of personal data them.

3.2. Personal data of the Site Providers is saved, including on electronic devices, and stored for the purposes specified in clause 4.3 of the Policy.

3.3. The administration has the right to entrust the processing of personal data to a third person in accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”.

3.4. The provision of personal data of the Providers to the Site in accordance with the request of the state authorities, local self-government bodies is carried out in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of Ukraine.

4. Understand the storage of personal data, metadata of their processing

4.1. The transfer of personal data that is subject to protection in the Administration is formed under the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”.

4.2. As soon as I view the Site, the information is read, an automatic registration of new data about the computer from which subject of personal data is viewed by the Administration Site is performed. When viewing the site, the Administration collects available technical information: IP addresses; Information from cookies; type of browser and operating system; hour access; URL of the site where the transition will take place.

4.3. The administration carries out the processing and protection of personal data of individuals who have filled out any forms of communication on the Site for the following purposes:

4.3.1. providing authorized persons with information about the product, which is listed on the Administration Site and registration of orders;

4.3.2. Vikonannya to the treaty;

4.3.3. supplying the site with their yearly development and marketing, advertising information, ways of sending such notifications to the indicated telephone number and/or e-mail;

4.3.4. providing the Site Providers with nutritional advice regarding the purchase of products posted on the Site;  

4.3.5. maintaining information and statistics;

4.3.6. administration of the Site;

4.3.7. confirmation of the completeness and reliability of the data supplied by the Provider;

4.3.8. providing the Provider with information about the state of the contract executed by him.

4.4. A list of personal data that is collected: nickname, name, father’s name, contact phone number, email, place of residence, etc.

4.5. The person who has filled out the application form on the Site provides, voluntarily, to the Administration the personal data specified in clause 4.4 of the Policy.

4.6. Once again, in any form on the Site, the subject of personal data voluntarily agrees to the Policy, and also voluntarily submits to the processing of personal data named in clause 4.4 of the Policy.

4.7. Processing of personal data of Providers on the Site is carried out without prejudice to the term, in any legal way, including in information systems of personal data using various automation methods.

4.8. The administration takes the necessary organizational and technical steps to protect personal information from unauthorized or unauthorized access, reduction, blocking, copying, expansion, and as well as other illegal actions of third parties.

4.9. If you are not familiar with the Privacy Policy, if you have any other concerns about using the Site, please leave it.

4.10. The administration does not verify the accuracy of the personal data that is relied upon by the Adviser.

5. Rights and obligations of the subject of personal data (On the site)

5.1. The subject of personal data has the right:

5.1.1. to clarify your personal data, update it, block it or reduce it;

5.1.2. ensure that you are notified of all persons who have previously been informed of your incorrect or incorrect personal data, of all corrections and additions carried out;

5.1.3. punish in accordance with the procedure established by law unlawful acts or inactivity in the processing of your personal data;

5.1.4. The subject of personal data also has other rights transferred to Art. 8 Law of Ukraine “On the protection of personal data”;

5.1.5. Subscribers to the Site are obliged to provide only reliable information about themselves;

5.1.6. The period for the processing of personal data appears on the Website for the entire term necessary for the Administration to achieve the purposes of processing.

5.2. The request for the processing of personal data can be requested from the Website by submitting a written application via electronic and/or mobile communication to the Administration.

5.3. Individuals who have transmitted information to the Administration through the Site about another subject of personal data, without prejudice to the subject whose personal data was transferred, are subject to the laws of Ukraine .

6. Rights and obligations (Site Administration)

6.1. The administration does not collect the usual special categories of personal data.

6.2. The personal data of the Investigator may be transferred to the relevant government and judicial authorities only if legal representations and additional support are identified.

6.3. The administration is responsible for ensuring the preservation of the archives and the protection of the personal data of the Adviser.

6.4. The administration is obliged to forward the details that collected the personal data of the Adviser, about those that this data may be used for the purposes of information and information This is a confirmation that this rule is not valid.

6.5. The administration has the right to review information that is deemed to be in compliance with the public offer agreement and/or the purchase and sale agreement for goods.

7. Protection and security of personal data

7.1. Personal data is processed in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Parliament (EU) dated 27 April 2016. To ensure the protection of personal data of Koristuvachs in the territory of Ukraine in full peace, this Privacy Policy is divided into the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine, including: the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Personal Data”, the Law of Ukraine “On electronic commerce”, the Law of Ukraine “On Information” and other regulations -legal assets.

7.2. Адміністрація вживає заходів щодо технологічної та операційної безпеки для захисту інформації, що надається Відвідувачами сайту, від несанкціонованого доступу, розкриття, спотворення, блокування або знищення.

7.3. Before entering, you must inform the Administration:

7.3.1. the establishment of legal, technical and organizational approaches to ensure the security of personal data;

7.3.2. installation of anti-virus software on Administration computers;

7.3.3. establishing rules for access to Personal data, monitoring accepted entries to ensure the safety of personal data;

7.3.4. Access to personal data is granted exclusively to authorized persons of the Administration, who are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of such information.

8. Order of disputes

8.1. As a result, the Administration is aware of all the issues and differences that arise from the issue, which expands this Privacy Policy during negotiations.

8.2. If the property is not available, the dispute may be referred to the judicial authorities, depending on the current procedural legislation.

9. Prikintsevy regulations

9.1. The policy proposes changes or additions at the same time as appropriate changes are made, or additions to the current legislation of Ukraine on the protection of personal data.

9.2. The policy can be changed unilaterally at any time at the discretion of the Administration.

9.3. All issues with the participation of the Administration, which deal with the processing and protection of personal data and do not detract from the immediate reflection in the Policy, are regulated according to the provisions of the official legislation of Ukraine on the protection of personal data.

9.4. The Policy is posted for public access for information and review on the Site.

9.5. Control over the Internet can be implemented by the Administration or a special one responsible for organizing the processing of personal data.

We work from 10:00 to 22:00 seven days a week

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